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About Us

Chairman’s Message

Idara Fikr-e-Jadeed is purely a scientific research institute. The purpose of which is to establish the tradition of knowledge and research in Pakistan. The institute of modern thought advocates only Islam instead of sectarianism.

It is the requirement of the present age that a free & fair trend and environment should be created in the Ummah. Knowledge and research is the way to get rid of sectarianism and imitation. 

Pakistani society will be free from extremist tendencies and violent attitudes when people develop a taste for Contemplation and knowledge and research.  This is the purpose of establishing the Institute of Modern Thought

Our Objectives

The Institute of Modern Thought is a practical interpretation of the dream that Sahibzada Muhammad Amanat Rasul saw for character building and development of the youth.  Sahibzada Muhammad Amanat Rasul, while studying history and traveling to different countries, realized that today the youth of the beloved country of Pakistan has become far away from the academic and research environment and wasting his life as a result of sectarian sentiments and provocations. 

Which is in no way compatible with the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and the way of the righteous Aslaaf and a Muslim. Therefore, it was felt the need to establish such an institution where there is work on the intellectual and moral development of the youth. Institute of Modern Thought is a practical example of this school of thought.

 Various academic and research activities are going on in the Institute of Modern Thought, out of which the details of some prominent activities are given below


Short Term Courses

These courses are multi-faceted in which awareness to students is provided on various aspects of Quran and Sunnah, Ijtihad Fiqh, constitutional and contemporary topics, legislation debated in judiciary and parliament, all such national topics.

Conferences, Seminars

Conferences and seminars are organized for awareness on international, national, economic, political and educational issues under the management of the institution. In which personalities with different expert opinions of the country are invited.

Discussion & Dialogue

There is a great need for dialogue in our society, rather dialogue is the only solution to most of our problems. The institution organizes dialogues with scholars of other religions and ideologies on various topics in order to listen the viewpoints of other people and to establish a relationship of respect despite differences with them.

Teaching Quran & Hadith

The purpose of the institution is to convey the voice of Quran and Hadith to the people so that they can understand the religion of Islam beyond the concepts of sect, religion and grouping.

Arrangements for Moral Training

Separate education and training is arranged for moral training and self-purification along with short-term courses. Accommodation and meals are arranged for those who come for education and purification so that they spend maximum time in the peaceful, spiritual atmosphere of the institution. In moral and spiritual training, there is not only discussion on the topics of soul, morals and character, but five prayers, fasting and prays are also organized so that the spiritual aspect of religion can become a part of action and character in practice so that the society can achieve the real goal of Islam

Research Centre

The third objective of the institution is to establish a research center. Various topics are researched by the researchers of the institute and it is arranged to be published in the form of articles, books and pamphlets. It is our commitment that scholars who have a taste for writing and research should not only be encouraged but also publish their work so that more people can benefit. Under the Research Center, Darul-Tarjama has also been established, under which the research works of modern and ancient commentators, jurists, theologians and hadiths are to be translated into Urdu and English so that the young generation can benefit from the services of their predecessors to understand the present challenges

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